Getting back to real life isn't that bad after all. Maybe all this while I'm just tired and chose to escape.
Leaving my comfort zone is always a challenge for me. Need to readjust myself.
Having mixed feeling lately......Weird.
Found myself being an addict lately , but not on drugs nor alcohol. Just glued my eyes to Gossip Girls and CSI series.
Workloads and chores are awaiting to be done, but I have not touch one yet. Have been fooling around a lil' too much though. Will start soon... but dunnoe how soon :P
Calendar starts to load with dates and appointments.
Missing Louis badly. Here's my lil' Louis ..... as promised.
Will be having some sort of "escape-vacation" during raya with my church's friend. Well....just a simply 3 days 2 nights trip. Hope I'll enjoy .... the fact is I'm quite reluctant to join them at first.
Well, this is me recently.