New members in the house ....tada!!!
My new goldies !!!
My new goldies !!!
I have always wanted to get some goldies at home.
These goldies were given by beloved Bobo Chong. She won these from Bunkasai night last thursday. Thanks Bobo!
I wish I could name them ...... however i wouldn't know which is which in the end :P
Ooh, you have the puzzle Minnie. Cute. I like the Doraemon
where u get that minnie?
you can get it from MV puzzle store
they're attracted to minnie more than goldie...sad...
Apparently the fishes were looking at Mickey... or minnie?
minnie la obvious! mickey dun wear skirt and have flower on head...akaka. mickey is nthg like my la yeng gie gie :P
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